Tuesday, July 3, 2007

VirtualBox install howto

From x86 box, simply issue as root:

# yum install VirtualBox.i586 -y

Make sure you have the latest yum package. and after your successful installation, do issue

# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

no need to reboot. You can find the binary from

Application > System Tools > click innotek VirtualBox

Clicking New would launch a wizard that would enable you to create a virtual machine for your VirtualBox. Enter a virtual machine name that correspond to OS type you have and choose the OS type you want to make use with this virtual machine.

The next step would bring you to memory allocation. The larger base memory you allocate to it, the faster the virtual box host would be. Somehow, your current desktop would be affected if you leave the area of the currently running virtual machine.

The next process would be creating a virtual harddisk. Highly advisable is a fixed virtual harddisk due to limited storage capacity. That's it and you're done.

If you have a flat ISO image from your hard disk and you want to boot from it, simply select your newly created virtual machine, click Settings from one of the VirtualBox button menus, choose CD/DVD and make sure you ticked the Mount option and ISO image file. Finally, point and browse it into your ISO image file. You can optionally remove mounting floppy, audio, USB if you're sure you won't be needing this from this virtual session as you would be able to mount it back the next time around.

Below is a screenshot of my virtual machines in parallel running CentOS 5 OS and Fedora 7 OS under Fedora 7, works like a champ!


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