Thursday, July 19, 2007

sudoku game install howto

Here's one of the most still talked game in town, sukodu.

I have heard that sudoku originated somewhere in Japan, and spread throughout Europe and Asia.

Now most newspapers and tabloids today contains these number-puzzle game. I have seen sudoku solver websites too. I remember one site showing these 2 very intelligent approach (actual algorithm pattern) of solving sudoku puzzle, it makes use of advanced multi-nested algorithm that reminds me of my old Statistics college subject. Yea, it's deep statistical formula and can actually be programmed with any programming language - C/C++ would fit that very well. Said so much.,

Let us now install it.

# yum -y install ksudoku

Done! And launch it, which brings you to post install setup:

Now, choose any type of games and options you want. And you're good!

Works in Gnome but designed for KDE.

See the rotating number puzzle in 3D action !



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