Sunday, July 8, 2007

disable IPv6

a lot of people are asking and complaining that basically they don't really require IPv6 services and trying to find out how can they permanently disable it.

here is a way to disable your IPv6 protocol implementation with redhat-based linux distro.

fire up your fave CLI editor and edit your /etc/sysconfig/network and make sure you have the below line negated like so


and save.

secondly, you have to edit /etc/modprobe.conf and append the following 2 lines

alias ipv6 no
alias net-pf-10 off

then save. make sure you also have your ip6tables (the ipv6 iptable version) be stopped and disabled during the next reboot. let us know first if the ip6tables daemon is currently running by doing

# /sbin/service ip6tables status

if its currently running, we need to stopped it from doing the service like so

# /sbin/service ip6tables stop

and disable it permanently like so

# /sbin/chkconfig --levels 345 ip6tables off

a reboot is required after doing all the these.


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