Tuesday, July 24, 2007

reboot / halt system via CLI howto

Up until now, I rarely reboot my system via any shortcut icon from my X panel or via System > Reboot. This happens once in two full moon events. Since my system required 24/7 operation, these commands are really rare to be seen from my root history commands.

Here are brief alternative and not too bloated ways on doing reboot and shutdown with your linux system.

Make sure you save all your opened documents before executing any of these. It is also suggested to close any opened browsers and ssh connections you might have before doing these command.

1. via Reboot . Reboots the system.

# reboot

2. via halt - actually halts the system

# halt

3. shutdown - shuts down the system

# shutdown -t3 -r now

4. Ctrl+Alt+Del - also works in linux as long as you have unmodified /etc/inittab

5. poweroff - powers your system down

# poweroff

6. init 0 - runlevel 0

# init 0

7. init 6 - runlevel 6

All of them must be executed by superuser root, unless specified by sudoers access levels, which is not really advisable.


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