Tuesday, July 17, 2007

PDF file readers install howto

Reading adobe file in linux has never been hard even for n00bs.

We can choose from evince and/or Xpdf PDF file viewer and have a quick comparison installation. To install, as root, just issue

# yum -i install evince xpdf

It works like a charm. So far, I never encounter any errors and had any problems viewing these types of PDF files using these PDF readers.

Atlernatively, you can directly install and download the Adobe PDF reader linux version here , just select the linux version and language then proceed to download page.

If you choose to install a rpm-based binary install from Adobe, after downloading just install it using redhat package manager (rpm):

# rpm -ivh AdobeReader_enu-7.0.9-1.i386.rpm

And you're good to go.

A sample view of using Xpdf:

Adobe (TM) products are all trademarks by Adobe

After installation, edit the /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/acroread file using your favorite editor. Skip down to line 418 and delete the following:

echo $mfile| sed 's/libgtk-x11-\([0-9]*\).0.so.0.\([0-9]\)00.\([0-9]*\)\|\(.*\)/\1\2\3/g'

Add the following in its place:
echo $mfile| sed 's/libgtk-x11-\([0-9]*\).0.so.0.\([0-9]*\)00.\([0-9]*\)\|\(.*\)/\1\2\3/g'

Make sure that it fits on a single line. Then skip down to line 643. Also delete the following:

Add the following in its place:

Save and exit.

To install the browser plugin, which will cause acroread to automatically launch and display the contents of the file within your current tab, create the following symlink:

# ln -s /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Browser/intellinux/nppdf.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/.

Finally, you need to source your ~/.tcshrc file:

# source ~/.tcshrc

And relaunch, Ctrl+F2, acroread.


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