Sunday, July 8, 2007

lsusb - list all USB devices

lsusb is a utility for displaying information about USB buses in the system and the devices connected to them. as we all know, USB-enabled devices make transfer more convenient and dirty-free attaching external devices such as digicams, videocams, mobiles, not like the goold old days of opening your CPU and finding that old sketched colored cable and finally attaching it to our needed external or new computer device.

basically, this commands simply list out all your currently connected USB devices, its corresponding bus and device ID and makes. If there is no USB devices plugged into your computer, it just lists out all your numbered USB ports.

You can get more details if your device was successfully detected using commands such as:

# lsusb -v
# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices

man says, lsusb are being supported only by linux kernel 2.3.15 or newer.

this is only only one of linux usb utilities


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