Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Submit HowTo

It is a wide world and tough to cope up with fast evolving Linux advancement and technology. Hence, we welcome everybody for article and related submissions which can be accomplished in a few easy steps.

Step One

Register yourself here.

By doing so, you create your own user identity and contact email to be used on article submission.

Step Two

Confirm your registration by checking your email box.

Step Three

Once confirmed, simply use your user login details and proceed to post your article.

Take note however that all submitted articles are being moderated and subject for review by admins and moderators before they are published.

Note also that all your submitted articles are believed to be original and unique, and most of all, solely owned and created by you. We also believe that you selected this website with all your consent, knowledge and rights to publish your submitted article from this site.

Comments are always appreciated and moderated but does not represent in the author/editors intentions, and views of this site in any way. If your article and howtos submittion is owned by another person, it is required for you to provide its original source/link mentioned and/or referred inside your posts.

We appreciate all your future articles and contributions.



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