Thursday, July 31, 2008

How To Prevent Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 TTY Console Login Attempts

Linux multiple consoles are easily accessible from keyboard combinations by simply by hitting Alt+F1 for first TTY console, Alt+F2 for second TTY console up to sixth (Alt+F6) TTY consoles. This console easily brings you linux tty login consoles.

If for some reasons you wish to restrict and prevent any TTY console login attempts with your linux boxes, you can prevent this by closing selective linux TTY consoles.

Disabling Selective Linux TTY Login Consoles

Step One

For example, to close Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 (TTY1 and TTY2) login screen consoles, backup and modify /etc/securetty file and remove the console number tty1 and tty2, as shown below.


Save and exit.

Step Two

Hit Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 to check if these tty login consoles have been successfully deactivated. No need for restarts.

All is done.


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