Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fedora 9: Mount Shared NFS from Another Linux Host

Sharing files over network have been very usual network activity in any type of networks whether private or public network. NFS is only way of sharing files located from server over a network of hosts.

Here's a quick run down on how top mount an existing read-only NFS share folder over a network from a linux host.

Fedora 9: Mount Shared NFS from Another Linux Host

NFS Client Configuration

Minimum Requirements

1. Fedora

2. Existing NFS server

Steps to mount shared NFS folder into another linux host from same network

1. From NFS server, ensure that NFS is currently up and running.

# service rpcbind start

Alternative to earlier Fedora versions

# service portmap start

# service nfs start

From Fedora 9 linux host, ensure that your portmap or rpcbind is up and running

# service rpcbind start

2. Still from linux host, mount the shared NFS folder into one of your existing local folder

# mkdir /MyLocalFolder

# mount -t nfs4 nfs-server-ip-address:/sharedfolder /MyLocalFolder

Alternatively, for read-only NFS mount

# mount.nfs nfs-server:/sharedfolder /MyLocalFolder -r

# ls -la /MyLocalFolder

More NFS info

# man exports


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