Tuesday, February 7, 2006

FC5T2 - Fedora Core 5 Test 2

i thought it would be interesting to see a review of this upcoming fedora core 5 final release, hopefully by march 15, 2006.

a new logo as you can see.
infinity + fedora + voice = the new logo.

i was one of the first ones to download FC4 final release the first day it was officially released.am planning to dowload FC5 final the first day it will be officially released. there would be like 7 to 10 days extensions, as i heard that there is need for major recompilation with gcc .

not against ubuntu:
ubuntu is really good for beginners and window$ professionals. however, after dloading the DVD version and ordering the free CD, the more time i spent with it (ubuntu linux),the less interest i had with it. i felt like getting back to XP machines from clicking and moving around with it...something like my hands were missing stuff from the keyboard. yes, it was really good and nice for desktops and laptops for beginners i may say i would recommend it for desktops and laptops for newbies and noobs.

so how do i feel about fedora?

well fedora is powerful yet unpolished server os that contains thousands of libraries and applications,
which makes it powerful but daunting. it has the potential when it comes to secure, reliable and stable bleeding-edge linux distro. i may have some compains with it as it is not yet a user friendly one to everybody, wherein you can put it besides the Window$ XP box in a store sale, no newbies or noobs would grab it and am sure a techie would give a copy or download it for you. redhat developers focuses on stability and reliability of an OS. looks and art designs arent yet their priority as most icons, images, and default themes havent improved yet,except for the bluetheme curve, which is the default nice theme though. but hey, most users needs friendly OS for first times. another one, NTFS/FAT is not automatically mounted nor recognized on default installation. security is a pirce of crappy excuse for me. most of us cannot be contented with a single distro as the OS comparison terms would not exists then. but ever since i have it, i have achieved a better OS after redhat, much more relaible, stable, update manageability and bleeding-edge linux distro.

all in all, i am sticking with it as server.
as free linux distro. see more of Fedora Core Linux here http://fedora.redhat.com


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