Friday, August 1, 2008

How To Create DVD ISO from DVD Disk

If you accidentally deleted your DVD ISO file from your hard drive and all is left is for you to use with is  your DVD disk version of the recently deleted DVD ISO. Here's how you can recreate that previously deleted DVD ISO using a copy from your DVD disk.

Create CD/DVD ISO from CD/DVD Disk

To create a DVD ISO of any DVD disk, simply follow these steps.

Step One

Insert any DVD disk into your DVD disk drive.

Step Two

CD into your working directory folder.

# cd /myISO/

Step Three

Create DVD ISO out of your DVD disk

# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=MyNewDVD.iso

dd is linux command that convert and copy a file based on input and output file parameter.

From the above command, dd converts everything from the disk inside the CDROM drive to an ISO file format.

CD/DVD ISO File Verification

To verify your newly created CD/DVD ISO file, simply test and try mount it

# mkdir /mnt/disk

# mount -o loop -t iso9660 MyNewDVD.iso /mnt/disk

This could be helpful if you wish to have a soft copy of any data CD or DVD disk and burn it later. Alternatively, you could also use this approach for virtualization purposes with vmware and virtualbox virtualization solutions for example.

All is done.


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