What is Wallpapoz?
Wallpapoz application enables you to configure Gnome desktop wallpapers in unique way. You could have Gnome desktop wallpaper changes when the specified time has passed. The most important feature is you could have Gnome desktop wallpaper changes when you change workspace. This simply means you could group your wallpapers into specific workspace. Wallpapoz offers quick orientation cues where you are. You can manage it so when you change to first workspace, your desktop wallpaper will be picked from wallpapers group for that workspace. When you change to second workspace, it will be picked from wallpapers group for second workspace. So you could have situation like this. You change to third workspace and you will get cartoon desktop wallpaper (wallpapers group for that workspace consists of cartoon wallpapers only). You change to fourth workspace and you will get abstract desktop wallpaper (wallpapers group for that workspace consists of abstractwallpapers only). I think you get the idea. Off course you can disable this feature if you just want your desktop wallpaper changes when the specified time (specified by you) has passed and does not change when you change workspace.
Wallpapoz Run Time
Wallpapoz application consist of two programs.
First is "wallpapoz". "wallpapoz" is the program to make the configuration file. What wallpapers
do you want to use? It just like that. So before doing anything else, run this program first. The file configuration is located in $HOME/.wallpapoz/ .wallpapoz.xml. Although you can edit the file with text editor, I don't recommend it. If the file is corrupted, then remove it first before run
"wallpapoz" again. Don't run "wallpapoz" if the file is corrupted.
Second is the daemonized wallpapoz version. "daemon_wallpapoz" is the "real" program it self. The program will read the configuration file and will change the wallpaper if you change the work-
space or the specified time has passed (depended on your options in configuration file).
You can run the "daemon_wallpapoz" from "wallpapoz" program.You can terminate it too from there.
If you are happy enough, you can start automatically running this program when you load the gnome desktop by adding "daemon_wallpapoz" to gnome session start up program.
Wallpapoz Fedora Installation
Wallpapoz is python based linux application that can easily be installed into Fedora desktop via yum like so
# yum -y install walpapoz
Wallpapoz Webshots
Wallpapoz is here!
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Friday, April 18, 2008
HowTo: Install Wallpapoz

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