Thursday, June 26, 2008

Debian with XFCE

I've not posted in many months -- seems I've not taken the time to write much of anything in fact. I seem attracted to Tumblr and Twitter -- I can share my ideas and finds much quicker there. This post is primarily a test message, then.

I've not given up on Linux, but I'm still seeking The Killer Desktop OS. Debian is my latest find, and with it XFCE. I grabbed a copy of the Debian Network Installation and tried it out on an old box (1.2G Celeron w/ integrated video). It found all the hardware and worked flawlessly, installing with the GNOME desktop. I had to tweak it a bit to get SAMBA installed and working, but once set up it actually worked seamlessly with my Windows shares (Windows saw Debian, Debian saw Windows). I then replaced GNOME with XFCE and I've not looked back.

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