Monday, August 20, 2007

RealPlayer 10 for linux install howto

Now, everybody can enjoy playing MP3s, Ogg Vorbis, Theora, RealAudio, RealVideo, H263, AAC in Fedora Linux. Sequel to recent RealPlayer installation via RPM, this blog entry would be done and tested using self-extracting BIN file from RealPlayer. The RealPlayer installation steps are almost identical with minor installation differences and more RealPlayer installation screenshots.

For RealPlayer fanatics, here's an entry that covers installation procedures of RealPlayer for Fedora Linux .

RealPlayer@ 10 supports RealAudio, RealVideo 10, MP3, Ogg Vorbis and Theora, H263, AAC and more. Get ready for accelerated video, full screen playback, and a lot more to play. You can now watch and listen to embedded video right in your Web browser without opening RealPlayer. Enjoy media from your favorite music and news sites with just one click. RealPlayer 10 for Linux is based on the open source Helix player.


1. Issue the following commands as root

# yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33.i386

2. After succesful yum installation, you can now proceed to download RealPlayer 10 for Linux from this site.

3. Go to downloaded file location and make the self-extracting binary file as file executable like so

# chmod 755 RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

4. And execute

# ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

You are going to see similar screen displays like the one below.
Extracting files for RealPlayer installation........................

Welcome to the RealPlayer ( Setup for UNIX
Setup will help you get RealPlayer running on your computer.
Press [Enter] to continue...

Enter the complete path to the directory where you want
RealPlayer to be installed. You must specify the full
pathname of the directory and have write privileges to
the chosen directory.
Directory: [/usr/local/bin]:

You have selected the following RealPlayer configuration:
Destination: /usr/local/bin

Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go
back to the previous prompts: [F]:

Copying RealPlayer files...configure system-wide symbolic links? [Y/n]: ....
Enter the prefix for symbolic links [/usr]: .........

RealPlayer installation is complete.
Cleaning up installation files...

LAUNCH: Ctrl+F2, realplay

Below are the initial series of RealPlayer 10 for Linux program execution. You just simply click Forward from here.

Followed by RealPlayer 10 license agreements and release notes.

RealPlayer 10 default installation options for updates.

And finally ready to launch RealPlayer 10 for Linux application.

Here are my screenshots, playing one of great songs by Josh Groban.

It works in Fedora!

RealPlayer website can be found here.
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